Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Element 8

Monitoring, Review and Audit
Outline and differentiate between active monitoring procedures and reactive monitoring procedure? Or
Define active and reactive monitoring?
Active Monitoring:
Is about checking to ensure that standards are meets and that the workplace is in fact safe and free of health risk before any unpleasant event takes place

There are four active monitoring methods can be use to check conformance to standards
·         Safety inspection
·         Sampling
·         Tours
·         Surveys
Safety inspection:
The term safety inspection can be applied to:
Routing inspection, statutory inspection, periodic inspection and pre use inspection
For example in large office which have 1200 fire extinguishers must be inspected by competent engineer then there are several ways to check
1.       to check the inspection record to ensure all FE are signed
2.       check all 1200 FE directly on by one
3.       check 50 FE randomly from 1200 FE
Item no 3 is sampling
Safety Tours:
A safety tour is high profile inspection of a workplace carried out by a group of managers
Safety Survey:
Safety survey of one particular issue or topic

What do you mean by systematic monitoring?
Systematic inspections:
One way to actively monitor health and safety performance is to carry out systematic inspections. These inspections can focus on the four Ps:
1.       Plant: machinery and vehicle and examinations
2.       Premises: the workplace and the working environment
3.       People: working methods and behavior
4.       Procedures: safe system of work, method statements and permit to work etc.
State the sources of information used in reactive monitoring? 
 Reactive Monitoring
Reactive monitoring is about measuring safety performance by reference to accidents, incidents and ill health that has already occurred.
Reactive monitoring uses accidents, incidents, ill health, and other unwanted events and situations as indicators of health and safety performance
We can calculate Accident Incident Rate (AIR) by this formula
AIR   =     ,       number of accident during a specific time period    .   X  1000
                 Average numbers of workers over the same time period           

State the purpose of workplace inspections?
Arrangements for workplace inspections:
Workplace inspection plays an important role in ensuring that safety standards are acceptable in the workplace.

Various factors must be considered when setting up an inspection system such as:
1.       the type of inspection
2.       the frequency of inspection
3.       the responsibilities for inspection
4.       the competence of the inspector
5.       the use of checklists
6.       action planning for problem found

What should the introductory part of an inspection report contain? Or
Considered how to write an effective inspection report?
Effective report writing:
Many inspection systems require the inspector to write a report summarizing their main finding and recommendations. If an inspection report is written then it must be effective. This requires an appropriate
·         Writing style
·         Structure
·         Contend
·         Justify recommendations

Explain the purpose of regular reviews of health and safety performance?
Review of Health and Safety Performance:
Reviewing health and safety performance should be done by managers at all level within the organization on a routine basis to ensure that management system are working effectively

Gathering information:
Reviewing performance relies on data gathered from various sources such as:
1.       Accident data
2.       Inspections
3.       Absence and sickness data
4.       Safety surveys, tours and sampling
5.       Audit reports
6.       Other sources (e.g. complaint form workers or QA reports)

Reporting on performance:
Safety specialists usually play a key role in collecting this data and reporting on performance to senior management.
What role does senior management have in workplace inspections?
Role of senior management:
After getting reports form safety specialists then senior management have to role in evaluating this information so that appropriate priorities and resources can be allocated.

Continues improvement:
Review enables action to be taken so that health and safety performance is continuously improved.
Explain the meaning of term ‘health and safety audit’ and describe the preparations that may need prior, during and after audit? Or
Define health and safety auditing?
Auditing is the systematic, objective, critical evaluation of an organization’s health and safety management system
Purpose of auditing:
Auditing is mechanism for verify that an organization’s safety management is in place and operating effectively. It will check that
1.       Appropriate management arrangement is in place.
2.       Adequate risk control systems exist.
3.       Appropriate workplace precautions are in place

The audit process:
What follows in a fairly typical audit process?
·         Pre audit preparations
·         During the audit
·         At the end of audit

Pre audit preparation:
Before the audit starts the following should be defined:
·         The scope of the audit (will it cover HSE management as well)
·         The area of the audit (on department or whole department)
·         The extend of the audit (comprehensive or selective)
·         Who will be required (who will accompanied from contractor side)

During audit:
During audit three different types of evidence will be sought:
1.       Documents and records
2.       Interviews
3.       Direct observations in the workplace.

The typical information examined during audit:
1.       Health safety policy
2.       Risk assessments
3.       Training records
4.       Safety MOMs
5.       Maintenance records
6.       Accident investigation reports
7.       Emergency arrangements
8.       Inspection reports

At the end of the audit:
Verbal feedback is usually provided at the end of audit and then written reports will be followed after.

Internal & external Audit
Inter audit are done by internal manager and external audits are done by third parties

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