Organizing for Health and Safety
Outline the health and
safety roles and responsibilities of employers, manager, supervisors, employees
and other relevant parties?
Organizing health and safety
roles and responsibilities:
The employer’s responsibilities are to ensuring that the workplace
is safe and free of health risk.
Which categories of people
does an employer owe a duty to?
It is important to consider who an employer owes a duty to:
His own employees
Other workers who might be working within
his workplace but are not his direct employees
His subcontractors
Visitors in his area
People who might be outside his workplace
but are affected by his work like public passing by
Directors and Senior Managers:
They have duty to ensure that their organization meets this
obligation. They are responsible for setting policy and allocating resources to
allow that policy to work effectively
So the responsibilities of directors and senior managers are to
ensure that:
The right health and safety policy is put
in place
An adequate budget is set for the
implement of policy
The right organizational structures are
put in place
Competent people are employed by the
Middle Managers and Supervisor:
Have duty to ensure that the part of organization under their
control is safe and free of health risk. They execute the policy of their
organization operationally
Safety specialists:
He has responsibility for giving correct advice and guidance to the
organization and its workers
The typical responsibilities of the safety specialist include:
Promoting a positive health and safety
Advising management on accident
Developing and implementing policy
Overseeing the development of adequate risk
Identifying training needs
Monitoring health and safety performance
Overseeing accident reporting and
Have duty to take reasonable care of their own health and safety
and others who might effect by thing they do. They have also responsibilities
to cooperate with their employers
Controller of Premises:
They are responsible for ensuring that the premises that they
control are safe to use as a workplace and that access of workplace is safe.
Self Employed:
They have duty to take reasonable care of their own and other who
might effect by their work.
Outline the areas of
responsibility placed on people in the supply chain for the articles and
substances which the supply to workplace?
Suppliers, manufacturers and designers:
have duty to ensure that:
Any plant or equipment that they provide
for us at work is safe for its intended purpose and comes with appropriate
Any substance that they provide for us at
work is appropriately tested packaged, labeled and comes with appropriate
They are responsible for their own safety and safety of others who
their work might affect. However, the client who takes on contractors is also
responsible for ensuring that those contractors do not endanger anyone. A
client must therefore choose contractors carefully and must plan and monitor
the contractor’s work to ensure safety
Client can manage contractor in
three ways
Select the contractor 2. Plant the work 3. Monitor the work.
1. Select the contractor:
Before selecting contractor client should carefully check their
health and safety competence. To help in this you can ask to see evidence of
competence such as:
A copy of their health and safety policy
Examples of risk assessments
The qualifications and training records
of staff
Membership of a professional organization
or certified body
Record of maintenance and test for plant
and equipment
Names of previous or current clients
Accident history records
Records of enforcement action taken by
authorities against them
Proof of adequate resources such as
access to specialist safety advice
Planning Work:
Contractor should carryout risk assessment on the work involve and
develop safe working methods to control the risks indentifies.
3. Monitoring the Work:
Client should ensure that contractor complies with safe working
Joint occupiers of premises:
When two or more employers share a workplace they must cooperate
and coordinate their activities to ensure good health and safety standards
Explain the importance and
means of consulting with employee on health and safety issues and the means to
achieve effective consultation?
Consult with employees:
Employers should consult with their workers on health and safety
matters. It is legal duties in many countries even where there is not legal
duty it is recognized as a good practice
The two way exchange of information and opinion between employer
and workers
Informing :
Providing information to workers in a form they can understand.
This information flow is one way
The two methods which employers normally use to consult workers
Direct consultation 2. Through worker representatives
Consultation is usually achieved by establishing a health and
safety committee made up of key managers and workers. The workers involved in
this committee are usually representing groups of workers.
Discussed the use of a
health and safety committee as a method of consultation with workers and looked
at the various issues that must be in order to make committee work effectively?
Health and safety committee:
To work effectively the committee has to be set up and run
according to agreed rules and procedure which form part of the policy arrangements
of the organization. The following issues should be taken into account in these
Who is on the committee – there should be balance between managers and workers
How often will the committee meet? – the committee should meet regularly
Who will act as chairperson? – all meeting need someone to take charge
What authority will the committee have? – Committee must be able to make decision
What will be discussed? – committee meeting should have a published agenda
How will the discussion be recorded? – MOM usually taken & posted on notice board
How will issues discussed be followed up?
– All agreed actions must be recorded together
with responsible person name for taking action and deadline.
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