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Contents Page
element we
will look
at the
which can
arise from
the use
in the
workplace. We all use electrical
equipment on a day-to-day basis but rarely consider the hazards.
Electricity is a dangerous but very useful source of power.
Unfortunately, electrical faults are one of the main causes of fires
and many people each year suffer injuries from electric shocks and
burns due to faulty equipment and wiring, or from the use of
inappropriate electrical equipment in a particular environment. We
should ensure that each piece of equipment we use is safe every time
we use it.
start with a brief outline of the basic principles of electricity and
the terminology associated with it. We have to understand this in
order to appreciate how risks arise, the harm they can do and how
some of the protective measures work. We go on to look at the
hazards posed by electricity, particularly electric shocks and burns,
before examining the measures which can be taken to control the
element is designed to meet the following aims and learning outcomes
as specified by NEBOSH for this part of the syllabus for the
International General Certificate.
completion of this element, you will have knowledge and understanding
- The hazards and risks associated with the use of electrical equipment and systems operating at mains voltages.
- The measures that should be taken to minimise the risks.
Intended Learning Outcomes
you have worked through this element, you will be able to:
- Identify the hazards and evaluate the consequential risks from the use of electricity in the workplace.
- Advise on the control measures which should be taken when working with electrical systems o r using electrical equipment.
Principles Of Electricity
is a form of energy associated with the flow of charged particles or
electrons from one point to another through a conductor (usually a
metal wire). There must be an unbroken path between the two points
through which the particles can travel, the complete path being known
as the circuit. A switch can be used to complete or break the
circuit, thus controlling whether the electricity flows through it or
basic principle is simple, but to appreciate the hazards posed by
electricity when it is used to power tools and machinery, and the
methods by which these hazards may be controlled, we have to
understand the operation of circuits in a little more detail.
Voltage, Current and Resistance
basic electrical circuit can be made by connecting one end of a
conductor to a source of electricity and the other to another point,
thus allowing power to flow from one “terminal” to the other.
The source can be a battery or a socket in your living room or at the
workplace. Both of these incorporate two terminals, the positive and
negative terminals on a battery or the live and neutral connections
(the two at the bottom) in a three pin socket.
flows along a conductor where there is a difference in electrical
“pressure” between the two terminals. This pressure difference
provides the push to move the electrons and is measured in volts
(symbol “V”). The higher the difference in pressure (the
voltage), the harder the push.
correct name for this electrical pressure is “electrical
potential”, so voltage is the measure of potential difference
between the two terminals.
help understand this, it may be useful to compare an electrical
circuit to a piped water system. For water to flow along the pipe
there must be a supply of water being pumped into the system. The
point at which the supply is connected will have a higher pressure
than elsewhere in the system and the water will then flow along the
pipe towards the point of lower pressure.
is the flow or speed of power along the conductor. It is measured in
amperes (usually shortened to “amps”, with the symbol “I”).
current (or the amperage) in a circuit is determined by the voltage.
Thus, the higher the voltage, the higher the amperage.
continue the
comparison with
the water
system, the
flow through the pipe can be increased by making the diameter of the
pipe larger. Similarly, in an electrical circuit the current flow
can be increased by using thicker conductors. Thus the mains cables
which carry the electricity supply from a substation to houses and
business premises are much thicker than the mains wiring inside a
building, and that in turn is thicker than the wiring from an
appliance to the plug.
a circuit was made consisting only of the source and conductor
connected between the two terminals, the flow of power would continue
to be pushed through and speed up. This can be dangerous, so to
ensure that this does not happen there has to be something which
slows the rate of flow, usually by removing power from the circuit.
process is
known as
resistance and
is measured
in ohms
(symbol “R”
or “”).
Any item
of equipment
which is
connected to
the circuit
and uses
some of
the power
flowing through
it is
a resistor;
for example,
light bulbs,
heaters, power
tools, etc.
They take
the electrons
and convert
them into
another form
of energy,
such as
heat or
motion. Other
resistances come
from the
conductor itself
where the
type of
material forming
the conductor
may slow
the current
(when it
is known
as “impedance”).
nothing to
slow the
water down
it will
pick up
speed as
it flows
through the
system. However,
if part
of the
flow is
diverted to
power a
water wheel,
that will
act as
a resistance
to the
flow. Similarly,
rough surfaces, obstructions and bends in the pipe will also
impede it.
Relationship Between Voltage, Current and Resistance
can consider the way in which the three elements of a circuit are
interrelated by referring to the following simple circuit diagram
Electrical Circuit
the voltage pushes the current through the circuit, the electrons are
used in one form or another by the resistances connected. Thus the
voltage applied to a circuit must be just sufficient to push the
current all the way through the circuit and all its components. This
can be expressed in a simple equation:
= I
is known as “Ohms Law” and is important in that it provides a
means of working out any of the values if we know the other two.
power in a circuit is a product of the voltage and the current and is
measured in watts (“W”). Thus:
= V
example, if
the current
taken by
an electrical
heater is
5 amps
when plugged
into a
240 volt
supply, then
its power
load would
be 240
5 =
1,200 watts.
equations can be used to calculate the current which flows through
any circuit, given the resistance or power loading connected to a
known voltage. They can be used to determine fuse ratings for
particular loads or the current flowing through a person who may
inadvertently touch a live supply (as we shall consider later).
Basic Circuitry
electrical circuit consists of a number of components – a source of
electrical current, a conductor connected to the source and another
terminal, and equipment connected to the conductor and powered by the
current (the load).
conductor should be a material which allows the current to flow with
as little impedance as possible and copper wire is usually used for
this purpose. The wire will be enclosed in an insulator, a sheath of
material which does not conduct electricity such as rubber or
plastic. This has two effects:
- It prevents electricity leaking out of the conductor as it passes along it.
- It prevents any other conductor touching the enclosed wire and creating a short circuit, as we explain below.
Short Circuits
a voltage is applied to the conductor in a perfect circuit current
will flow from the terminal with the higher electrical potential to
the terminal with the lower potential. Normally this will be from
the source terminal (the live terminal) to the return (neutral)
will flow to the point of lowest potential in a circuit along any
path it can find. If it can find an alternative path to a terminal
with a larger potential difference than the neutral terminal it will
take it. Thus, if another conductor touches the circuit and provides
such a path, at least some of the current will flow along that
conductor. This is known as a short circuit.
lowest potential (zero on the voltage scale) is the potential of the
mass of the earth. So any conductor which connects the circuit to
earth, deliberately or accidentally, will cause a short circuit.
This is a severe danger because the new path may have less resistance
to the current, allowing the flow to increase.
the UK the public electricity supply is based on a 240 volt circuit.
This means that at an electrical switch board or fuse box the live
terminal has a potential of 240 volts and the neutral terminal is at
a potential of zero volts. However, at any point along the conductor
connecting them, for example between the live and neutral terminals
in a plug, the potential difference at the neutral terminal will not
be truly zer0 because of impedance. Any other conductor which
connects to earth will immediately cause a short circuit.
short circuit current which would result if a particular point in a
circuit was connected directly to earth is called the fault current
and the new circuit created is called the earth fault loop.
a connection to earth can be used to safeguard electrical systems as
well as representing a hazard. Earthed conductors in a circuit
provide a safe path for any fault current to be dissipated to earth.
They will be connected to any exposed metal parts of a component
connected to an electrical circuit which should not normally carry a
current. If a fault develops and they do become live, then the earth
conductor will carry the fault current away.
Direct and Alternating Currents
current which flows in one direction only is known as direct
current (dc). A battery gives a direct
the direction of flow alters at regular intervals, it is an
alternating current (ac). The
public electricity supply varies in different regions of the world.
In the United States the voltage is around 110 volts; in the UK it is
240 volts ac, with the alternating cycle being 50 Hz (cycles per
second). Shock injury from dc is generally a lot less severe than
from ac.
flow of ac is cyclic. For instance, the 240 volt public supply peaks
at 338 volts. This cyclic variation is not suited to some
installations, such as driving electric motors. To overcome this
problem a three-phase system is used in which three electricity
supplies are fed into the circuit, each of which is out of phase with
the others but which in combination produce a steady current. The
additional hazards with three-phase systems are that three live
terminals are present and an electric shock at 415 volts can result
between them.
Hazards of Electricity
we have looked at basic electrical processes, we can consider the
problems which can occur in using electrical equipment. In essence
they come from situations where the current passing through a circuit
escapes from its intended path along the conductors in the circuit
and finds another path along a different conductor.
Electric Shock
electric shock is received when a person makes a contact with a live
conductor and the current passes through his/her body. The person’s
body acts as the conductor for the current, interrupting the circuit
and providing an alternative path for it to flow along. Where the
person is in simultaneous contact with an earthed object – for
example, standing on the ground or also touching an object which is
in direct contact with the ground – this results in a fault current
with the person (and the other object he/she is in contact with)
completing the earth fault loop.
an electric current has passed the barrier of the skin, which has a
relatively high resistance, the body itself offers little resistance
and the current may take one of numerous pathways through it. The
effects will depend mainly on the amount of current which passes
through and the duration of the connection.
Effects on the Body
electric shock results in a convulsive response by the nervous system
to the passage of electricity through that part of the body. This
causes the muscles to contract, often violently. A well known
feature is that if you grasp a live wire in the palm of your hand,
the shock will cause the hand to close around the wire, gripping it
more firmly and being unable to release it.
on the path that the current takes through the body, the muscular
contractions caused can have different effects. The most serious
involve the current passing through the heart where it may cause
fibrillation – interference with the timing of the beats of the
heart – and/or cardiac arrest. Interference with the muscles
controlling breathing may also be serious and cause respiratory
failure. Both of these may be fatal.
if the current does not pass through vital life organs, the effects
can have serious consequences. The involuntary muscular reaction
caused may result in arms, legs, torso or neck convulsing. This is
likely to be sufficient to knock the victim off balance and cause a
fall, and where this is from a height or in dangerous surroundings,
the fall may result in more serious injuries than the shock itself.
The force with which the muscles contract may well be sufficient to
overstrain and damage the muscles themselves or other moving parts of
the body and to cause fractures of bones.
passage of electricity can also cause burns, both inside and on the
surface of the body. We shall consider this later.
Factors Influencing Severity
severity of the shock and type of injury caused will depend upon the
amount and nature of current passing through the body and the parts
of the body through which the current passes.
and nature of the current
amount of electrical current passing through the body is a function
of the voltage applied, the resistance of the path through which it
travels and the duration of the contact:
- The voltage of the circuit formed by the contact which the body makes with the electricity supply will determine the force with which the electricity passes through the body. No voltage can be considered safe in all circumstances, although low voltages may reduce the risk. We must always assume that a public electricity supply of 240 volts is potentially fatal.
- The electrical resistance of the body varies depending upon the skin condition (moist or dry) and the path travelled through the body between the entry and exit points. Generally, skin resistance is quite high, although it may vary from less than 1,000 ohms for wet skin to over 500,000 ohms for dry skin. Perspiration brought on by fear and shock may increase moisture on the skin and further lower resistance where there is continuing contact with an electrical source. Internally, the resistance is much less; for example, between the ears the internal resistance (less the skin resistance) is only 100 ohms, while from hand to foot it is closer to 500 ohms.
- Many shocks are of very short duration with the person remaining in contact with the live source for less than a second. Depending on the current voltage received this may be long enough to receive a fatal shock. Longer contact will clearly be more damaging.
can determine the amount of current received from a shock by applying
the equations of Ohm’s Law noted earlier. If we assume a voltage
of 240V from the public electricity supply and a low body resistance
of 1,500 ohms, the current received would be:
= 0.16
Current at this level
is generally measured in milliamps (one thousandth of an amp), so
this level of current is expressed as 160 mA. The following table
shows the effects of various levels of current for a duration of one
- 2
of perception
- 10
- 25
to let go
- 80
laboured, danger of asphyxiation, loss of consciousness from
heart or respiratory failure
- 200
fibrillation – fatal
200 milliamps, the muscular contractions are so severe that the heart
is forcibly clamped during the shock. This clamping protects the
heart from going into ventricular fibrillation, and the victim’s
chances for survival are good provided that resuscitation is
performed immediately. However, this does not imply that such a
severe shock will not be extremely serious. Severe burns occur over
200 mA.
current passing through the body can be either direct or alternating
current and the effect is proportional to both its magnitude and the
type. Direct current is less damaging.
Current path
key points are the entry and exit points for the current, the part of
the body which comes into contact with the live source and the part
from which the current leaves the body. This may be where there is
contact with the ground or another conductor which will take the
current. The most common points of contact are hands or arms and for
departure, the feet or the other hand or arm.
path that the current takes between the entry and exit points will
generally be that of the least resistance. Paths through the heart
or through the respiratory organs are the most dangerous.
effect on the body will vary with the general condition of the
person; so, for example, a weak heart will be less able to withstand
the effects of the shock.
First Aid Treatment
shock victims should receive quick medical treatment. However, it is
important not to touch a person who remains in contact with an
electrical source as you will also receive a shock.
- The first action should be to break any continuing contact between the victim and the current. This should be by switching off the supply or disconnecting the equipment. If this is not possible, the victim should be separated from the current using a non-conductive material; for example, a wooden broom handle, piece of cardboard or dry clothing, etc. to push or drag the person away.
- Artificial respiration should start immediately and continue until the victim recovers or qualified medical aid intervenes. In situations where there is a high risk of electric shock accidents, first aid personnel trained in resuscitation methods should be readily available.
- Emergency medical attention should always be sought as there is a risk of internal injury which may not be visible.
Electrical Burns
resulting from electricity may be divided into two groups:
- Those which result from direct contact with a live conductor.
- Those which arise indirectly from situations where there is no contact with a live conductor, – similar to being struck by lightning.
Direct Burns
passage of an electric current along any conductor is accompanied by
the release of heat. Thus, when a current passes through the body,
it is likely to cause burns, even though the duration of exposure may
be very short.
heat given off by a current is directly related to the amount of the
current and the resistance encountered. So the higher the current,
the greater the heat and the more likely it is that burns will
result. Similarly the higher the resistance, the greater the heat
and the more likely it is that burns will result. As the skin is the
site of highest resistance in the body, it is on the surface of the
skin at the point of contact with a live conductor that the most
severe burning will occur. However, high currents can create
internal burns all along the path travelled through the body, causing
damage to red blood cells and muscle tissue. Such burns are often
deep-seated and slow to heal.
Indirect Burns
most common cause of electrical burns, excluding situations where a
person touches a live conductor, is arcing. Arcing can occur
when one conductor with a very high potential is brought into close
contact with another earthed conductor. The voltage may be large
enough for the natural insulation of the air between them to break
down and a spark to jump the gap. This ionises the air, considerably
lowering its resistance, which in turn allows the current to increase
so that an electric arc is set up between the conductors. Very large
currents can flow through the arc in a very short time, possibly less
than one second, in a similar way to lightning.
will only occur where the live conductor is uninsulated, where the
insulation is insufficient to prevent the force generated by the high
voltage or where a fault has developed exposing the live conductor.
The other earthed conductor may be a metal object on the ground or a
the arc is connected to a person, which may happen for example when
he/she gets too close to an overhead high voltage power line, the
victim may be subject to both a flame burn from the arc and electric
shock from the current which passes through the body. The burns are
often worsened by clothing catching fire.
where the arc does not actually touch a person there is a danger of
burns. Arcing generates ultraviolet radiation which can burn the
skin and the retina of the eye (causing arc eye or eye flash).
Additional burns may result from radiated heat, where the body
absorbs the heat energy at a distance, resulting in burns located
deep in the body.
Common Causes of Electrical Fires
require three elements in order to start: a source of heat,
combustible material such as fuel, and oxygen. Electricity may
provide the source of heat in two main ways:
- Arcing – the generation of electrical sparks or arcs between an uninsulated or poorly insulated conductor and another earthed conductor. This may be on a very small scale – for example, within a plug – but so long as there is some combustible material to burn it may be sufficient to start a fire. Damage to the insulation enclosing a live wire, broken parts or incorrect wiring of a connection may be the cause.
- Overheating of conductors – This may be due to poor or inadequate insulation allowing the natural heat created by the flow of electricity to escape, to overloading the conductor with too high a current for the capacity of the wire, or to excessive resistance within the conductor (for example, passing a current through a flexible cable wound onto a drum, where the bends in the cable increase resistance).
the temperature generated in either of these circumstances is
sufficient to ignite any combustible material, either in contact with
the source of the heat or nearby, fire may be started. There are
special dangers where flammable vapours may be present in the
atmosphere; for example, in a paint spray booth.
of electrical origin can be very dangerous since it is not possible
to use water to extinguish them; water is a good conductor of
electricity and its use would create a live electrical hazard.
Portable Electrical Equipment
a quarter of all reportable electrical accidents involve portable
equipment. Most of these accidents result in electric shock, with
the next most common result being fires.
accidents are caused by faulty leads to appliances, although faults
in the equipment itself are also a major cause.
conditions and practices likely to lead to these problems are:
- Using equipment in inappropriate conditions – most particularly where cables are liable to be damaged in use and/or where there is water present. For example, using an electric powered pressure water cleaner outside, where the trailing cable may be damaged by vehicles and other equipment, and live wires exposed in a wet environment. In offices, the leads from floor cleaners or kettles are often exposed to damage where they trail across corridors.
- Using damaged equipment – either from a failure to carry out routine maintenance checks and repairs or continuing to use equipment after it has been damaged. This is a particular problem on construction sites where the harsh operating conditions mean there is a high probability of mechanical damage and often many people use the same piece of equipment with few if any checks. Damaged or missing insulation or insulation failure can easily expose people to the risk of electric shock.
- Having incorrect wiring and connections, usually as a result of poor maintenance and repairs.
- Servicing equipment without disconnecting supply.
Secondary Hazards
addition to the risk of personal injury from shocks, burns and fire
as a direct result of electrical problems, any failure in the
electrical circuit will have an impact on all machines and other
systems on that circuit. The interruption in the power supply, for
however short a time, may cause inadvertent mechanical movement of
plant or machinery which may pose a risk in itself. There is also
the risk of a failure of electrical protection devices such as fire
alarms and smoke detectors or machine guards.
too that secondary hazards may arise from electric shocks if they
cause a fall from a height or against dangerous objects.
Revision Question 1
- What is the voltage of a circuit?
- What determines the current in a circuit?
- What is the difference between resistance and impedance?
- What is a short circuit?
- What does arcing do?
- What is the main effect of electric shock on the body?
- If a person receives a shock for one second which passes through the body along a path with an impedance of 10,000 ohms, what would be the current received and what effect might it have on the person if the voltage of the circuit touched was:
(i) 240 volts.
(ii) 110 volts.
(iii) 50 volts?
- What is the first step in treating a victim of electric shock?
- What is arcing and what risks does it pose?
- Why are cable drum extension leads dangerous?
suggested answers are given at the end of the element.
Control Measures
golden rules for handling faulty electrical equipment are to ensure
that it has been disconnected from the electricity supply and that it
cannot be reconnected, whether accidentally or intentionally, and to
check that the circuit is dead. Safe handling of electrical
equipment in normal conditions depends on:
- Proper selection of suitable equipment.
- The use of appropriate protective devices.
- Effective inspection and maintenance routines, undertaken by competent people.
Selection and Suitability of Equipment
selection of suitable work equipment for particular tasks and
processes makes it possible to reduce or eliminate many risks to the
health and safety of people in the workplace. This applies both to
the normal use of the equipment as well as to other operations such
as maintenance.
are basically three points to the safety of work equipment:
- Its initial design and quality.
- The purpose for which it will be used.
- The place where it will be used.
Integrity and Use
evaluating the suitability of the construction of electrical systems,
several factors should be considered:
- The manufacturer’s recommendations.
- The likely load and fault conditions.
- The probable use of the system(s).
- The need for suitable electrical protection devices, such as overload protection.
- The environmental conditions which may affect the mechanical strength and protection required.
electrical equipment should be put into use where its electrical
strength and capability may be exceeded in such a way as may give
rise to danger. In other words equipment should not be subject to
electrical stresses with which it would be unable to cope.
Equipment should be able to withstand normal, overload and fault
currents. It should be used within the manufacturer’s rating and
in accordance with any instructions supplied with the equipment.
conditions which a piece of equipment will withstand can be found
from electrical specifications and tests undertaken by the
manufacturer and accredited testing organisations, based on
international and national standards.
Hazardous Environments
it is reasonably foreseeable that electrical equipment may be exposed
to adverse or hazardous environments, then it should be constructed
and protected to prevent danger arising from the exposure. The
protection necessary will vary depending on the type of hazard and
the degree of risk.
is necessary to select the correct type of equipment for the
environment after considering the present and future conditions the
equipment is likely to be exposed to. Hazardous environments include
the following:
- Weather
and cables must be able to withstand exposure to weather (rain, snow,
ice, wind and dust). There is a particular risk of corrosion of
exposed parts. Precautions include containment of equipment in
suitably weather-proofed enclosures. Additional protection may be
necessary to protect equipment from lightning.
- Natural hazards
include solar radiation (sunlight) as well as animals and plants
which may affect cables; for example, there may be a need to protect
against gnawing of cables by rats. Siting is also very important
- Extremes of temperature and pressure
temperature of equipment may be raised by heat generated in the
equipment itself or by an external source. It may also be caused by
a build-up of debris and dust. Suitable protection includes
containment of equipment in a suitably designed container to protect
against extremes of temperature and pressure. Also, means of
dispersing excess heat can be incorporated into the design of
equipment; for example, fans built into motors. In the case of
debris, accumulations should be removed or preferably prevented from
occurring. Accumulations of waste should be removed or preferably
prevented from occurring.
- Dirty conditions
includes contamination from both liquids or solids. Precautions
include containment in a construction to resist the entry of dirt and
dust. In less important cases, regular inspection and cleaning as
part of a maintenance programme would be acceptable.
- Corrosive conditions
may be corrosive alone or in combination with moisture. Protection
may have to be via total enclosure in corrosion resistant housing,
that is not ventilated to the atmosphere.
- Liquids and vapours
equipment must be protected against immersion, splashing or spraying
with water and solvent vapours, as well as against condensation.
Precautions include housing equipment in waterproof casing and
enclosing in airtight containers.
- Flammable substances
presence of flammable materials, including flammable dusts and
vapours, presents a danger in the use of electrical equipment. A
dust cloud may pose an explosion hazard, while combustible dusts
which settle on electrical equipment can create fire hazards. The
selection, construction or installation of the equipment should be
such as to guard against the possibility of ignition. If equipment
is used in potentially explosive atmospheres, it should be
constructed so that it is not liable to cause ignition of the
Mechanical Damage
susceptibility of the equipment to mechanical damage must be
assessed, both in terms of the environment within which it is to be
used and the natural operation of the equipment itself. Damage may
arise from impact, stress, wear and tear, vibration, hydraulic and
pneumatic pressure.
may be caused by mechanical movement or the movement of people and
can cause extensive damage to equipment, particularly portable
equipment and flexible cables. In the case of cables, protection
against abrasion includes enclosing them within a protective cover
such as flexible armouring, protective braiding or superior forms of
sheathing, burying them below ground or placing them at a height.
at the point of entry of a flexible cable into a rigid joint, such as
a plug or cable connector, causes much damage. Where it is
impossible to avoid rigid connections to flexible cables, a pliable
supporting sleeve should be used. Cable joints are also subject to
stress and individual wires from which the conductors are made can be
pulled loose from their terminals and make accidental contact. Cable
clamps within the connectors which take the stress should be used.
An additional precaution is the correct use of cord grips located in
plugs and connectors which also have moulded-in plastic channels or
barriers which can prevent accidental contact.
Protective Systems
devices incorporated into electrical circuits or the equipment itself
act to cut off the electricity supply in the event of a fault and/or
to reduce the current delivered to a person in the form of an
electric shock.
and Circuit Breakers
these devices act to break a circuit in the event of an overload of
- A fuse forms a weak link in a circuit by overheating and melting by design if the current exceeds the safe limit.
- A circuit breaker is a mechanical device in the form of a switch which automatically opens if the circuit is overloaded.
protective devices should be chosen so that their rating is above the
operating current required by the equipment, but less than the
current rating of the cable in the circuit. They should be fitted to
the conductor as close as possible to the live terminal.
designed to protect the equipment/circuit/system, these features may
also offer secondary protection to a person.
earthing the exposed metal parts which should not normally carry a
current, any fault current is provided with a low impedance path to
earth should it become live. If all exposed metalwork is properly
bonded to earth, it cannot be made live by a fault and the risk of
shock is eliminated. The
design and
quality of
the earth
is vital
because if
it fails,
is removed.
measures should be connected so that the fault current will operate
protective devices (fuses, residual current devices) and cut off the
supply by breaking the circuit.
certain cases, such as wet environments, additional protection is
necessary due to the hazard posed by the close proximity of water,
electricity and metal objects; for example, in a central heating
system driven by an electric pump. All external metalwork should be
connected by a common bonding conductor which ensures that all the
metalwork is at the same potential. This measure is called
equipotential bonding. A current will not flow
between two points at the same potential, so if any of the metal
fittings become live, any of the other metal fittings may be touched
simultaneously without the risk of electric shock. A common
connection to earth is usually made.
is a difference between isolation and switching off:
- Switching off refers to depriving the equipment of electric power whilst still leaving it connected.
- Isolation refers to physically separating it from any source of electric power, with the additional step being taken of ensuring that it cannot be accidentally re-energised.
should establish an effective barrier between the equipment and the
supply and ensure that no unauthorised person is able to remove the
barrier. In particular, it should:
- Establish an air gap between the contacts in the switch or some other barrier which would prevent the flow of current under all conditions of use.
- Include a device such as a padlock or lock which will prevent the removal of the barrier by unauthorised persons.
- Be accessible, easy to operate and clearly labelled.
Reduced/Low Voltage Systems
environmental conditions are harsh, as on construction sites or in
areas which are wet, and there is a high risk of electric shocks, the
use of reduced or low voltages is advisable to reduce the effect of
any shock.
hand-held portable tools and the smaller transportable units, the 110
volt centre-tapped (CTE) system is recommended, using a transformer
to reduce the voltage from the public supply. The system relies on
the mid-point of the transformer to be earthed (centre-tapped). The
maximum shock voltage to earth is then half the supply voltage, that
is 55 volts in the event of direct contact. As most shocks occur
between a live part and earth this is a major step in the reduction
of the shock effect. The full 110 volt supply is available to power
the equipment.
voltage systems which are called “safety extra low voltage” or
SELV are those in which the voltage does not exceed 50 volts ac
between conductors in a circuit which is isolated from the supply
mains and from earth by means of a safety isolating transformer.
These systems represent even less of a hazard and should be used in
other environments such as vehicle washing areas and in the vicinity
of swimming pools. They are also recommended for hand lamps,
soldering irons and other small hand tools where the risk of shock is
Residual Current Devices
earth leakage protective devices provide another means of circuit
interruption in the event
of an
earth fault
and are
intended to
current devices (RCDs) or sensitive current-operated earth leakage
circuit breakers (ELCBs) detect when a current flows to earth by
comparing the currents flowing in the live and neutral conductors.
They are sensitive enough to detect a leakage current too small to
operate a fuse, but which may nevertheless be large enough to deliver
an electric shock or to start a fire. In that event they interrupt
the supply by means of automatic circuit breakers. The sensitivity
of the device to the level of leakage can be adjusted so that any
shocks experienced are not lethal.
RCD has a test button which should be checked regularly to ensure
correct operation.
is important to note that ELCBs only operate when a fault to earth
occurs. They do not provide overload protection. They reduce the
effects of a shock, not the chances of getting a shock.
Double Insulation
equipment has a metal enclosure, precautions must be taken to prevent
the metalwork from becoming live. This can be achieved by
“double-insulation” in which the live parts of the equipment are
covered by two layers of insulating material.
layer is capable of insulating the live parts alone, but together
they ensure that the occurrence of insulation failure and its
associated danger is extremely improbable. This method is also
suitable for portable equipment which often suffers particularly
rough use, but regular maintenance is essential as the insulation
only remains effective while it is intact. In addition to
maintenance, the insulation must be soundly constructed and the
equipment properly used. It reduces the chances of getting a shock.
principle of double insulation also applies to the use of insulating
mats for operators to stand on and use of insulated tools and
personal protective equipment, such as rubber footwear, heat
resistant face shields, clothing and insulating gloves.
Inspections and Maintenance Strategies
maintenance is at the heart of ensuring the safety of electrical
equipment. It is a general term which in practice includes visual
inspection, testing, repair and replacement, as both part of the
routine of using the equipment and as a specific activity in its own
should be an appropriate system for this which is designed to ensure
all aspects of maintenance are carried out. The basic requirements
- Identification of the equipment which has to be maintained and where/how it is to be used.
- Discouragement of “unauthorised” equipment in the workplace.
- Carrying out simple user checks for signs of damage – for example, casing, plug pins and cable sheath.
- Formal visual inspections carried out routinely by a competent person.
- Periodic testing of equipment by a competent person.
- Systems for the reporting and replacement of defective equipment.
- Recording of all maintenance and test results along with the inventory of equipment in use.
User Checks
person utilising the electrical equipment should be encouraged to
look at it critically and, after a minimum basic training, check
visually for signs that the equipment is not in sound condition; for
- Damage to the cable sheath (apart from light scuffing)
- Damage to the plug – for example, the casing is cracked or the pins are bent.
- Inadequate joints, including taped joints in the cable.
- The outer sheath of the cable is not effectively secured where it enters the plug or the equipment – obvious evidence would be if the coloured insulation of the internal cable cores were showing.
- The equipment has been subjected to conditions for which it is not suitable – for example, it is wet or excessively contaminated.
- Damage to the external casing of the equipment or there are some loose parts or screws.
checks also apply to extension leads and associated plugs and
sockets. Checks should be undertaken by the user before and during
faults should be reported to management and the equipment taken out
of use immediately. Management should take effective steps to ensure
that the equipment is not used again until repaired by a person
competent to carry out the task; the defective equipment could be
labelled as “faulty” and its associated plug removed.
Formal Inspection and Tests
is common practice to have formal inspections of electrical equipment
and installations. There are two types of formal inspection:
- Routine visual inspections, carried out by a competent person to control immediate risks and monitor the user checks. These will be visual checks similar to those discussed above, but undertaken in a more formal and systematic manner.
- Periodic detailed inspections, including testing the equipment, again carried out by a competent person. Such inspections and tests may also be required in particular situations where there is reason to think that the equipment may have a fault.
equipment found to be faulty should be taken out of service and not
used again until properly repaired.
common with all tasks, the inspection and maintenance of electrical
appliances and systems should be carried out by a “competent
person”, who is
a person
possessing such knowledge or experience, or who is under such degree
of supervision as may be appropriate having regard to the nature of
the work’.
of the extreme danger of coming into contact with live electrical
conductors, any person involved with the maintenance, repair and
inspection of electrical equipment must be familiar with the
requirements of the particular task undertaken, or be supervised by
somebody who is. Therefore, the person should, as part of their
competency, have either carried out these tasks before or been
specifically trained in them.
competent person can normally be a member of staff who has sufficient
information and knowledge, following appropriate training on what to
look for and what is acceptable, and who has been given the task of
carrying out the inspection. To avoid danger, competent persons
should know when the limit of their knowledge and experience has been
reached (this is one of the definitions of a competent person).
inspection and testing should be carried out by someone with a higher
level of competence than that required for visual inspection alone,
because the results of the tests may call
will be
the same
worker can
often carry
out both
types of
visual inspections are generally the most important part of a
maintenance regime and most potentially dangerous faults can be
detected in this way.
written guidance relating to the visual inspection can be produced,
summarising what to look for, procedures to follow when faults are
found and when unauthorised equipment is found in use. It can help
whoever is carrying out the formal visual inspection and also users.
formal visual inspection should not include taking the equipment
apart. This should be confined, where necessary, to the combined
inspection and testing discussed below. However, additional checks
could include removing the plug cover and checking that a fuse is
being used (for example, it is a fuse, not a piece of wire, a nail,
etc.), the cord grip is effective, the cable terminations are secure
and correct, including an earth where appropriate, and there is no
sign of internal damage, overheating or presence of liquid or foreign
matter. Checks may also be made to ensure that there is no evidence
of overheating (burn marks or staining) and that the correct rating
for the fuse and the correct cable rating is being used (to prevent
inspections should be carried out at regular intervals. The period
between inspections can vary considerably depending on the type of
equipment, the conditions of use and the environment. For example,
equipment used on a construction site or in a heavy steel fabrication
workshop will need much more frequent inspection than such equipment
as floor cleaners in an office. In all cases, however, the period
between inspections should be reviewed in the light of experience.
inspection and tests
checks and inspections outlined above will, if carried out properly,
reveal most (but not all) potentially dangerous faults. However,
some deterioration of the cable, its terminals and the equipment
itself can be expected after significant use; for example, a broken
earth wire within a flexible cable, deterioration of insulation
quality or contamination of internal and external surfaces.
Additionally, equipment may be misused or abused to an extent which
may give rise to danger.
and testing are the only reliable ways of detecting such faults and
should be carried out on a regular basis to back up the inspection
regime. The regularity will depend on the type of equipment, the
manner and frequency of use and the environment. In addition, other
occasions when testing is likely to be justified are:
- Whenever there is reason to suppose the equipment may be defective, but this cannot be confirmed by visual inspection alone.
- After any repair, modification or similar work.
is often carried out at two levels, demanding different levels of
competence from the person carrying out the task:
- Simple “pass/fail” types of test where no interpretation of readings is necessary. Providing the appropriate test procedures are rigorously followed and acceptance criteria are clearly defined, the routine can be straightforward.
- The use of more advanced test instruments which give readings that require interpretation. This requires technical knowledge or experience and specific electrical skills.
inspection carried out in conjunction with the testing should usually
include checks for:
- Correct fusing.
- Effective termination of cables and cores.
- Suitability of the equipment for its environment.
Frequency of Inspection and Testing
there are no specific legal requirements in your country, deciding on
the frequency of maintenance is a matter of judgement for those
responsible for the equipment and should be based on an assessment of
risk factors, which include:
- Type of equipment and whether or not it is hand-held.
- Manufacturer’s recommendations.
- Initial integrity and soundness of the equipment.
- Age of the equipment.
- Working environment in which the equipment is used (such as whether it is wet or dusty) or the likelihood of mechanical damage.
- Frequency of use and the duty cycle of the equipment.
- Foreseeable abuse of the equipment.
- Effects of any modifications or repairs to the equipment.
- Analysis of previous records of maintenance, including both formal inspection and combined inspection and testing.
Records of Inspection and Testing
is useful to record maintenance, including test results. A suitable
log is a management tool for monitoring and reviewing the
effectiveness of the maintenance scheme and indeed to demonstrate
that a scheme exists. It can also be used as an inventory of
portable electrical equipment and a check on the use of unauthorised
equipment (for example, domestic kettles or electric heaters brought
to work by workers).
log can include faults found during inspection and may give an
indication of the types of equipment or environment which are subject
to a higher than average level of wear or damage. This will help
monitor whether suitable equipment has been selected. Entries in a
test log can also highlight any adverse trends in test readings which
may affect the safety of the equipment, thus enabling remedial action
to be taken. Care should be taken in interpreting trends where a
subsequent test may be carried out with a different instrument from
that used for an earlier test, since differences in the results may
be due to differences in the test instruments rather than indicating
deterioration in the equipment being tested.
do not necessarily have to be on a paper system since test
instruments are available which store the data electronically for
downloading directly onto a computer database.
is useful to label equipment to indicate that it has been tested
satisfactorily and has been passed as safe, and when the date for the
next test is due. Otherwise individual items may be missed on
following checks.
Portable Appliance Testing
is important that portable electrical appliances are maintained in
exactly the same way as fixed equipment. By their very nature,
electric drills, saws, trimmers, etc. are out in use much of the time
and there must be an effective system for keeping track of each item
to ensure that the maintenance schedule is followed and use can be
pieces of equipment should be identified by a serial number and
recorded in a register which specifies when each item should be
recalled for inspection. A nominated person should be appointed to
ensure that recall and inspection do take place.
mentioned earlier for fixed equipment, the frequency of inspection
will depend on the risk assessment. It should be determined by the
type of equipment and its use, the manufacturer’s recommendations
and the experience of the user. The equipment should either be
marked to indicate to the user when the inspection is due or should
be clearly indicated on the checking-out sheet used to obtain an
appliance from store.
inspection and any subsequent tests and repairs should be carried out
by a competent person experienced in this type of work. A record of
inspection should be made and kept for the life of the equipment.
Inspection and testing should cover the same points as described
above in general, although particular attention should be paid to
leads and plugs which are more vulnerable on portable equipment.
Revision Question 2
- What protection is offered by the cord grip in a plug?
- What is the difference between a fuse and a circuit breaker?
- What is the purpose of a fan in an item of electrical equipment?
- What is equipotential bonding?
- What is the difference between switching off and isolation?
- What protection is offered by a reduced voltage transformer in a circuit?
- State the main features of a proper system of maintenance.
- What checks should be carried out before an item of electrical equipment is used?
- What is the safest method of powering electric hand tools which are being used outdoors?
suggested answers are given at the end of the element.
basis of an electrical system is a circuit in which a conductor links
two terminals, one providing the electricity supply (the live
terminal) which then flows along the conductor to the other (neutral)
terminal. The force which makes electricity flow is the difference
in electrical potential between the terminals and is measured in
volts. The current which flows is measured in amperes (or amps).
Resistance, measured in ohms, is provided by components connected to
the circuit which transform the electricity into other forms of
energy, and the impedance offered by the conductor itself.
relationship between voltage, current and resistance is expressed by
Ohms Law and this can be used to calculate the value of any one of
the three elements where the other two are known.
circuits are formed by another conductor connecting to the circuit
and providing an alternative path along which the current can flow,
usually to earth. The conductor carrying the short circuit may be an
object or a person.
main hazards of electricity are electric shock, electric burns and
fire. There may be secondary hazards caused by the effects of
electric shock (such as falls) or by an interruption of the power
supply to machinery or protection devices/systems.
shock causes a convulsive response by the nervous system, resulting
in the muscles contracting, often violently. The severity of the
effect is determined by the amount and nature of the current, the
duration of the contact with the live conductor and the path the
current takes through the body. Most shocks are potentially fatal
where they affect the heart or respiratory organs.
burns may be the direct result of contact with a live conductor (in
which case they may be both external and internal) or be the result
of arcing.
is also a significant cause of electrical fires. The other main
electrical cause of fire is overheating of a conductor, either
through overloading or excessive resistances.
measures to reduce the risk from electrical hazards are based on the
proper selection of suitable equipment for the task in the particular
operating conditions, the incorporation of specific protective
devices and the adoption of systematic maintenance procedures.
devices act mainly to cut off the supply in the event of a fault, or
to reduce the current and the effect of any electric shock received.
The main measures are:
- Fuses and circuit breakers.
- Earthing.
- Isolation.
- Reduced/low-voltage systems.
- Residual current devices.
- Double insulation.
strategies are based on regular user checks, routine visual
inspections and periodic detailed inspection and testing of all items
of equipment. Records should be kept of all formal visual
inspections and tests.
electrical equipment presents particular hazards, especially in
relation to cables connecting to the mains supply and its use in
adverse conditions, such as wet environments or where it may be
subject to mechanical damage. It is very important to follow strict
maintenance strategies to ensure their continued safety.
Suggested Answers to Revision Questions
Question 1
- Voltage is the measure of difference in electrical potential between the two terminals of a circuit.
- The current in a circuit is determined by the voltage.
- In principle, there is no difference as both terms relate to the slowing of the flow of electricity through a circuit. Generally, resistance relates to the components connected to a circuit whereas impedance relates to resistance within the conductor itself.
- A short circuit is formed where another conductor touches the circuit and provides the electricity with an alternative path to a terminal with a larger potential difference than the neutral terminal, usually the earth.
- Earthing provides a safe path for any faulty current to be dispersed to earth through a designated conductor.
- An electric shock results in a convulsive response by the nervous system to the passage of electricity through that part of the body, causing the muscles to contract, often violently.
- Using the equation for calculating current from Ohms Law and expressing the result in milliamps:(i)I = = = 24 mA.
This will cause strong muscle contraction and possibly some breathing difficulties.
(ii)I = = = 11 mA.This will be painful and there will be some muscle contraction.
(iii)I = = = 5 mA.This will be barely perceptible, perhaps some mild tingling will be felt.
- The first action should be to break any continuing contact between the victim and the current.
- Arcing is the electrical bridging through air of one conductor with a very high potential to another nearby earthed conductor. If the arc is connected to a person, the victim may be subject to both a flame burn from the arc and electric shock from the current which passes through the body. There is also a danger of burns from ultraviolet radiation and radiated heat, even where the arc does not actually touch a person. Arcing can also provide a source of ignition for fire.
- The bends in the cable increase resistance and may cause overheating of the conductor.
Question 2
- The factors to be considered when evaluating the suitability of the construction of electrical systems are:
- The manufacturer’s recommendations.
- The likely load and fault conditions.
- The probable use of the system(s).
- The need for suitable electrical protection devices, such as overload protection.
- The environmental conditions which may affect the mechanical strength and protection required.
- A cord grip restricts movement at the point of entry of the flexible cable into the plug, thus preventing abrasion of the cable. It also prevents the conductors being pulled loose from their terminals.
- A fuse forms a weak link in a circuit by overheating and melting by design if the current exceeds the safe limit. A circuit breaker is a mechanical device in the form of a switch which automatically opens if the circuit is overloaded.
- A fan is designed to disperse excess heat generated by the normal operation of the equipment. It is not designed to prevent overheating from electrical faults.
- Equipotential bonding is the process of connecting all external metalwork in the system to a common bonding conductor, thus ensuring that all the metalwork is at the same potential and, if any of the metal fittings become live, current will not flow through the system.
- Switching off refers to depriving the equipment of electric power, but still leaving it connected. Isolation refers to physically separating it from any source of electric power, with the additional step being taken of ensuring that it cannot be inadvertently re-energised.
- Reduced voltage circuits reduce the effect of any shock received from making contact with part of the circuit.
- The main elements of a proper system of maintenance are:
- Identification of the equipment which has to be maintained and where/how it is to be used.
- Discouragement of “unauthorised” equipment in the workplace.
- Carrying out simple user checks for signs of damage; for example, casing, plug pins and cable sheath.
- Formal visual inspections carried out routinely by a competent person.
- Periodic testing of equipment by a competent person.
- Systems for the reporting and replacement of defective equipment.
- Recording of all maintenance and test results along with the inventory of equipment in use.
- The person utilising the electrical equipment should visually check for signs that the equipment is not in sound condition; for example:
- Damage to the cable sheathes, joints or plugs.
- The equipment has been subjected to conditions for which it is not suitable; for example, it is wet or excessively contaminated.
- Damage to the external casing of the equipment or there are loose parts or screws.
- If they cannot be powered by battery, the electrical power should be delivered through a reduced voltage circuit and/or protected by a residual current circuit breaker.
Certificate 25